• How to get your product on the most popular and high traffic marketplace ever.
  • How to research and select a profitable niche.
  • How to craft your sales copy to generate massive sales.
  • How to convey your marketing message and get boat loads of leads.
  • How to create lead generation reports, videos, and audio programs that get you traffic.
  • What the best up sell offer are and how to create them.
  • How to get people to buy from you over and over again.
  • How to get affiliate to want to promote your products.
  • How to quickly create squeeze pages with super high conversion rates.
  • The five steps for creating a high value offer and getting people to click your “add to cart” button.
  • Secrets for crafting killer headlines, sub headlines and post scripts.
  • How to get top affiliates to send you tons of traffic.
  • How to set up your shopping cart, autoresponder, and up sell systems. (And if you don’t want to do it yourself, I’ll show you how to outsource this stuff to others for dirt cheap.)