• How to choose a niche market that’s easy to reach and ready to buy.
  • How to create info products the easy way.
  • How to get others to help you create info products.
  • How to create your “avatar” and know your market’s biggest reason to buy.
  • Mindset strategies and tactics to overcome procrastination and move you to action.
  • How to create customers for life.
  • How to create multiple products at once.
  • How to price your products to generate multiple sales.
  • How to quickly and easily set up a sales site and squeeze page with little or no money.
  • How to easily script your sales message to get people into a buying frenzy.
  • How to deliver your product for maximum success (DVD, ebook, digital download, membership site).
  • The best shopping carts, email management and autoresponder platforms to use (and which ones to avoid).
  • Quick start and technology checklist.
  • The seven-step system for getting to six figures in your info business – FAST.